Please complete the survey below. Your answers are anonymous and completely voluntary. This survey has been IRB approved at UAMS (IRB 273436).

We are doing a research study about Matching into the field of Otolaryngology and are looking at ways that different factors such as minortity status and reapplicant status play a role. We are asking people like you to complete a survey to help us learn more about the process including your Match results and any biases or discrimination you may have encountered in the process..

The survey includes 30-70 questions (30 basic questions and additional questions will be asked if you fit certain categories (Couples match, DO, minority, dual applicant, re-applicant, etc). The survey should take about 10-20 minutes to complete. You can take the survey online. The survey will be anonymous and stored in REDcap.

We will keep your answers confidential to the extent possible. The UAMS Institutional Review Board (IRB) and other institutional oversight offices may review the information we collect, to make sure we are doing the research correctly.

It’s entirely up to you whether or not to join this research study. Nothing about your education will change. You can decide not to participate in the study even after you have started the survey. Just don’t submit the electronic survey
to us. If you have any questions, you can contact Dr. King at or the UAMS IRB at 501-686-5667.

We value your honest input and experience. We hope to gain insight for students applying to Otolaryngology in the future.

Thank you!

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